Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
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Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
From (click through for more images of this color)
It's a soothing color for any space. I like the idea of it living in the more relaxed and introverted spaces of the home, such as bedrooms or bathrooms.
Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
From (click through for more images of this color)
Kelly of Kelly Rogers Interiors talks about using this color to create an "Indian spa" vibe for her bedroom and it works beautifully to create that soothing, relaxing vibe.
Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
From (click through for more images of this color)
I personally wouldn't put this in the kitchen or dining room unless the family tended towards disharmony. I also wouldn't put it in an office, study or library as it's not the most motivating color.
Gray Cashmere / Benjamin Moore 2138-60
From (click through for more images of this color)
This shade would be gorgeous with a red-toned exposed brick, or any warmer orange/red materials or furnishings.
Beigewood 1007, Rustic Brick 2091-20, Pilgrim Haze 2132-50, Incense Stick 2115-20, *via Benjamin Moore
65.57. LRV measures the Light Reflectance Value, meaning the percentage of light (0-100) that bounces off a surface. 100 being purest white and 0 being purest black. Like other light grays, Gray Cashmere has a high LRV, meaning it reflects a large amount of light.
Gray, Green, Blue, Light, Traditional
Palladian Blue, Smoke, Hollingsworth Green