Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10
From (click through for more images of this color)
Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10
Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10
From (click through for more images of this color)
This is a color with a touch of moody masculinity that's also sturdy and livable. I love Jessica Brigham's idea of using it in an office. It brings stability, structure, and quiet power.
Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10 (Hunters Green lightened 25%)
From (click through to #palmspad for more images of this color)
Is it just me or does this color have big Capricorn energy? Put this color anywhere where you want to feel boss. It has the energy of a giant evergreen or a stately brown leather couch.
Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10
From Pinterest
I think this color means business, so I wouldn't personally put it in full force in a bedroom or bathroom. It would be great for furniture or an accent wall in a bedroom or nursery though.
Hunter Green / Benjamin Moore 2041-10
If you're looking for something similar with a bit more balance of masculinity and femininity, try Salamander.
Wildwood Crest 1538, Going to the Chapel 1527, Cape Blue 1642, French Canvas 1514, *via Benjamin Moore
4.31. LRV measures the Light Reflectance Value, meaning the percentage of light (0-100) that bounces off a surface. 100 being purest white and 0 being purest black. Like other dark greens, Hunter Green has a very low LRV, meaning it reflects a very low amount of light.
Yes. This is a super chic exterior color when paired with a black or natural wood tones.
Bold, Traditional, Dark
Salamander, Hale Navy, Gentleman’s Gray